Tuesday, June 30, 2009
My Man


Monday, June 29, 2009
jeffrey Jordan

Dwayne Wade

Michael Jackson's sculpture

Allen Iverson

Lebron James

Shaquille O'neal

Kobe Bryant

Iran :Change they need

I respect the Iranian people and would like to see Iran as a nation of freedom where people can travel freely just like I can travel to France, Brazil, Spain, the United-Kingdom, Germany, Italy and so forth .I understand that we have a lot of differences when it comes to religion but that doesn't mean that we cannot share what we already have in common. We all love, for example: sex, booze, drugs, gambling,soccer with that being said , I believe there should be a missile strike against the regime's stockpile of weapons , weapons' factories and laboratories this should be a coordinated strike that should be carried out by the US.military and the UK's special op (SAS).A simultaneous attack on the previously mentioned facilities should damn near cripple the regime and force change in Iran for good without the loss of precious human lives. The Israelis should stay out of it to prevent future chaos or an all out war in the gulf.
If you think that you have a better idea please share it here maybe Obama will take note.
Symptoms of breast cancer

What is breast cancer?
Miami Florida

michael jackson

Michael jackson the king of Pop culture music died at the early age of 50.
Michael jackson lived his life like a king , he spent more than he earned yearly and that is a lesson that we all rich, poor or whatever you class may be in society can learn from.
Michael Jackson started his music career at an early age and everything went well for him until the molestation charges came to hunt him.As a rich celebrity whether it be Michael Jackson ,Kobe bryant, or R-kelly there are always some predators out there looking to make a quick buck from these guys. We should not prejudge or condemn any celebrity until after the FBI's full investigation is complete and that all i's are dotted and all t's are crossed and the facts have been proven.
Michael Jackson is one of the greatest artists in the history of music to be able to make music that people of all age groups, races, and nationalities can enjoy around the world.
R.I.P Mr. Michael Joseph Jackson. The Greatest musician of All Time. I know your music will live forever and that the $500 million that you owe out there will be paid off in a few years.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Wholesale dvds

Get a loan even if you have bad credit
Friday, June 26, 2009
Symptoms of breast cancer

I) the thickening or lump in the breast or underarm area
Nipple discharge is something to look out for I wish I've known all of this before it was so late. Help me and pray for me okay.